Your Full Service - Family Owned Business Since 1990
Provides excellent post-emergent broadleaf weed control on cool and warm season grasses.
Results in 7 to 10 days.
Do not apply on Floratam or other improved varieties of St. Augustine Grass in Florida.
Coverage: 5,000 sq. ft.; 10,000 sq. ft.
Lawn should be slightly wet before application, but do not water for 24 hours after application.
Contains three weed killers to stop Dandelions, Spurge, Dollar Weed, Wild Onion, Chickweed, Clover and over 200 broadleaf weeds, many of which are listed on the label.
Adams ™ Plus Flea & Tick Carpet Spray
Ant Guard for Nectar Feeders
Bellingham® Wonder Grip® 310 Extra Grip Natural Rubber Palm Glove
Bird Watcher's Berry Essence Suet
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